My Little Pegasus: Kizuna DoPonyPachi

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My Little Pegasus: Kizuna DoPonyPachi
MLPegasus-KizunaDoPonyPachi title.png

Developer: Giest118
Release date: 2012

My Little Pegasus: Kizuna DoPonyPachi is a fanmade shmup by Giest118 in GameMaker. It´s a CAVE styled shmup based on Generation 4 of the My Little Pony franchise.

For replay videos, visit the Video Index.

Gameplay Overview

Features almost similar gameplay style like Trigonometry Wars. The game combines some mechanics, the Ketsui chip system (with a little taste of the Blue Wish item stystem) and the DDP Hit system.

During boss fights, the item counter will start to go down.

When the Hit count timer runs out, the max combo will be set.

When a stage is cleared with 2 bombs, 1 bomb or no bombs, the stock will be set back to 3 on the next one.


If playing with controller and want to use d-pad, make sure to use Joytokey to map the d-pad with the directional keyboard keys

  • Z key / A button: Normal shot
  • X key: Focus shot
  • C key / X button: Bomb
  • Esc key / Y button: Pause


Nitro Gryce

Rainbow Dash
MLPegasus-KizunaDoPonyPachi RainbowDash.png

Shot type: Narrow
Bomb: Sonic Rainboom

Nitro Gryce

MLPegasus-KizunaDoPonyPachi Fluttershy.png

Shot type: Wide
Bomb: Rage Butterfly Cannon


Scoring is divided in many parts:

  • Creating a Hit count.
  • Collecting items based on proximity.
  • Boss phase bonus multiplied by max Hit count ╳ item count.
  • Lives multiplied by ╳10,000
  • Item count multiplied by ╳100
  • Max Hit count multiplied by ╳100
  • No-Miss´d a stage: 100,000

Item values

MLPegasus-KizunaDoPonyPachi Items.png


The game has two types of 2nd loop, Tsuujou and Ura, and here are the requirements:

  • Tsuujou: 1cc 1st Loop.
  • Ura: No-Miss 1st Loop.

Tsuujou 2nd loop makes patterns harder, while Ura is way more harder and potentially leads to the TLB.

References & Contributors


  1. Images and most info provided byJSAV2006STG(ABC)