Evanescent Existence

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Developer: JynX (Trick Nostalgie)
Release date: 2013

Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence (連縁无現里) is a fanmade shmup by JynX in 2013 utilizing the Touhou gameplay style.

It is the 1st entry of the Len'en Project.

For replay videos, visit the Video Index.

Gameplay overview

The mechanic involves grazing to fill a meter which will allow the player to use a special bomb known as a "flash bomb", which previously appeared in Evanscent Existence. Pressing the bomb button while unfocused will release a flash bomb if the meter is full, otherwise it won't do anything.


Like in Touhou, the game has the following commands:

  • Z: Shoot
  • X: Bomb / Flashbomb
  • Shift: Focus

On keyboard, movement can be done using either the arrow keys or the number pad. The gamepad can also be configured inside the game.


The game has 4 difficulty modes, each one increasing in complexity and difficulty, as well as adding a few new spellcards in the later difficulties; they are as follows:

  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Unreal

After 1CC'ing the game on any difficulty, you will unlock the Extra Stage, which has 3 difficulty variants. The 3rd one must be unlocked:

  • Easy Extra
  • Extra (Original)
  • Absurdly Extra

By having cleared Unreal once, Absurdly Extra will be playable.


Scoring revolves around bullet cancels for cancel items, collection of point items, capturing spellcards, etc.

Playable Characters and Shot Types

At the start, Evanescent Existence only has Yabusame available. The conditions of unlocking Tsubakura and Suzumi are listed on their description.

Houlen Yabusame

Houlen Yabusame
EE Yabusame Portrait.png
Attack power: so-so
Movement speed: Slow
Attack range: "Wide"
Bomb: "Dimensional Detachment"
Bomb length: "Long"
Bomb strength: "Weak"
Danmaku toy: "Dimensional fragments"
Flashbomb: "Maiden Pit"
Description: Yabusame has a spread shot and lock-on options. To deal big damage, it is highly demanded to attack at pointblank range. Her bomb has a damage range the size of the game field, and her flashbomb generates a small circle. Has 4 bombs per life.

Enraku Tsubakura

Enraku Tsubakura
EE Tsubakara Portrait.png
Attack power: Supreme
Movement speed: Alacrative
Attack range: "Constricted"
Bomb: "Monochrome Ray
Bomb length: "Instantaneous"
Bomb strength: "Brutal"
Danmaku toy: "???"
Flashbomb: "Vertex Emit"
Description: Has a direct shot type, with high damage. Her bomb fires a black & white laser, and her flashbomb forms a cross. Has 2 bombs per life. Unlocked by beating Extra once with Yabusame.

Kuzu Suzumi

Kuzu Suzumi
EMS Suzumi Portrait.png
Attack power: Mediocre
Movement speed: Mediocre
Attack range: "Wide-range & short-distance"
Bomb: "???"
Bomb length: "Whole screen"
Bomb strength: "Special"
Danmaku toy: "Aftermath blades"
Flashbomb: "???"
Description: She can freeze the position of her options and can generate an amount of launchable knives. Her bomb can cause a screen clearing effect, and her flashbomb can grant her a brief amount of i-frames. Has 5 bombs per life. Unlocked by clearing Extra once with Tsubakura.


Point items: Increases score.
Power items: Increases power, with sizes varying the value.
Bomb item: Grants a bomb stock.
1UP: Awards an extend.
Cancel items: Spawns from bullet cancels. Grants extra score.

External Links

  1. Images and info provided byJSAV2006STG(ABC)
  2. Some info taken from (Len'en Wiki):