P-47 Aces/Strategy

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Score Area Locations

Stage 1

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Stage 2

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Stage 3

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Stage 4

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Stage 5

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Stage 6

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Stage 7

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Stage 8

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Enemy Detail

There is never any randomness with regards to how and when enemies fire. Aiming is also rather precise, so any shots that are not fired at the player are definitely not fired at the player. This assumption doesn't quite hold when at a very close range, but in general there is not concept of "angle locking" as is common in other shooters.

Enemy behavior and movement is based on "segments", which each have their own HP, movement pattern, and animation/attack pattern. Some segments do not change patterns, or use a child object to just spawn explosion animations and such; in these cases, the HP values have been merged. That is, the only HP segments denoted here are ones which cause a change in movement or attack patterns.


Enemy Name Value Contains Item HP Notes
P47aces heli.png Heli 100 No 1 Some instances fire away from the player.
P47aces roll.png Roll 200 No 1 Some instances fire away from the player.
P47aces zako.png Zako 100 No 1 Some instances fire away from the player.
P47aces jet.png Jet 200 No 1 Some instances fire away from the player.
P47aces icarya.png Item Carrier 400 Yes Stage 1/3(AS)/5 192+192 Fires different attacks depending on the stage they are in.
Stage 4/6 224+224
Stage 7 256+224
Stage 3(AA) 256+256
Enemy Name Value Contains Item HP Notes

Stage 1

Enemy Name Value Contains Item HP Notes
P47aces aag.png Anti-Air Gun Left facing: 400 Right facing: 5000 No Moving: 48 Stationary: 16
P47aces htrck.png H-Truck 1000 No 8
P47aces pz40.png PZ-40 400 No 128
P47aces chuua.png Mid Zako 400 No 64
P47aces bzakoa.png Big Zako 1000 Yes 224
Enemy Name Value Contains Item HP Notes

Stage 2

  • Big Jet
  • Tank B
  • Tank C
  • Tank D
  • Houses

Stage 3

  • Chuu A
  • Niedl
  • P-61
  • Ramia

Stage 4

  • Asa
  • Ramia
  • Tiger

Stage 5

  • Geta
  • Heflt
  • Hukuy

Stage 6

  • Betty
  • Toriko
  • King
  • Night

Stage 7

  • Toriko
  • Ramia

Stage 8

  • Conso

Boss Detail

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Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 5


Stage 6


Stage 7


Stage 8