Dream Logical World

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Developer: Analogue Reverie
Release date: August 2 2021 (itch.io) January 20 2022 (STEAM)

Touhou Jitsuzaisou ~ Dream Logical World (東方実在相) is a free to play Touhou Project fangame developed by Analogue Reverie released in 2021 for itch.io, and then in 2022 for STEAM. It was developed with the Danmakufu PH3.5 engine.

For replay videos, visit the Video Index.


  • Z: Shoot
  • X: Aspect Shift (A.S.)
  • Shift: Focus

On keyboard, movement can be done using either the arrow keys or the number pad.

Gameplay overview

The game borrows the Power system from Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism, and the Power system in this game is used to sacrifice some power to trigger the Aspect Shift, which can cancel bullets.

Aspect Shift

The Aspect Shift (A.S.) has the ability to cancel bullets, and as well can award bonuses depending on how long it lasts. It´s duration is increased via grazing and item collecting. If the player is hit with the A.S. active, no bonuses will be awarded.

Point of Collection

Just like the official Touhou games, all point and power items will be autocollected above the Point of Collection, which is a line high up on the screen.


Scoring is based on grazing to increase point item value, getting bonuses from Aspect Shifts and trying to get spellcard bonuses.

Difficulty Modes

The game has 2 game modes:

  • Standard: The usual experience.
  • Lucid: Special game mode where shot is boosted at all times. Unlocked by beating Extra once.

The game has 5 difficulty modes. The higher difficulties are, of course, harder, and also have higher scoring potential. The difficulty modes are:

  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Lunatic
  • Overdrive

The game also has an Extra stage, and also offers Easy Extra aside from it´s original difficulty, as well an unlockable Elite Extra. Extra must be unlocked by getting a 1cc on any difficulty. Beating Extra once will unlock Lucid.

Playable Characters

Dream Logical World has 6 teams with 2 characters each. Each team faces a different boss team of these on Stage 4.


DLW ReimuKasen.png
Reimu shot: Homing amulet
Reimu A.S.: Border of Conditional Invincibilty
Kasen shot: Light orb
Kasen A.S.: At One with Nature
Team ability: Small hitbox


DLW MarisaYuuka.png
Marisa shot: Illusion laser
Marisa A.S.: Dodge this!
Yuuka shot: Flower shooting
Yuuka A.S.: Seasonal harvest
Team ability: Max power at 6.00.


DLW SakuyaReisen.png
Sakuya shot: Misreflection
Sakuya A.S.: Relative velocity
Reisen shot: Electromagneting propagation
Reisen A.S.: Level 11 miniature black hole
Team ability: Easier to extend A.S. by collecting items.


DLW SanaeSeija.png
Sanae shot: Mighty Wind
Sanae A.S.: Quantitative Invocation
Seija shot: Inverted Arrow
Seija A.S.: Cheating Out of Bounds
Team ability: Point of Collection is slightly lower.


DLW YoumuKoishi.png
Youmu shot: Phantom Slash
Youmu A.S.: Supernatural Efficient Swordplay
Koishi shot: Brambly Rose Thorn
Koishi A.S.: Subconscious Vigilance
Team ability: Easier to extend Aspect Shifts by Grazing


DLW AyaKosuzu.png
Aya shot: Crazy Fall Wind
Aya A.S.: Inescapable Megapixel
Kosuzu shot: Dready Forbidden Scrollery
Kosuzu A.S.: Learning Curve
Team ability: Wider field of item collection when focused.


Power item: Increases the Power level.
Point item: Increases score. Their score depends on their value.
Value items: Appears from cancelled bullets, and they`re collected automatically. They increase the maximum value of point items. The larger their size, the more value they award.
1UP: Grants an extra life.


  • Power system is inspired in Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism.
  • Overdrive difficulty is inspired by the Ultra Lunatic mods in official Touhou shmups.

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