Blue Wish Resurrection Plus

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Title bwrp.gif

Blue Wish Resurrection Plus
BWRP Start Screen.jpg

Start Screen

Developer: x.x
Official site:
Release date: PC Mar 11th, 2008
Previous game: Eden's Edge
Next game: Eden's Aegis

Blue Wish Resurrection Plus (or BWRP), is the 5th game created by x.x game room, an indie shmup developer. Their games are very heavily inspired by Cave's design philosophy. This game in particular has a lot of similar bullet and ship designs as the DoDonPachi series. It was released on PC as freeware game, and it's a remaster of Blue Wish Resurrection from 2006 (BWR2006).

The game can be downloaded on, or

Gameplay Overview

BWRP is a vertical scrolling bullet-hell shmup with many design cues taken by CAVE games, as many shot types, enemy formations and bullet patterns. BWRP is basically a remaster of the original BWR game from 2006, which now has recolored textures on enemies and stages and new features like Wait control for slowdown, Accel setting can be activated on all modes and a new ship resembling attacks from Eden´s Edge It has up to 5 levels of power up, and the player can hold up to 6 bombs. There are 2 shot types, focus shot and unfocused shot. By mashing the Shot button or holding the Auto-Shot button, the player will do their unfocused shot, and when the Shot button is held, the player will do their focused shot, and the ship's speed will drop, while also revealing its hitbox, much like other indie shmups like the Touhou series.

The game has by default a "Guard" mechanic put in place which can be turn off in the options menu. When the player is hit, if they have at least one bomb in stock, a shield will cover them for a while, at the cost of one bomb.

Bombs are either big blasts that cover a portion of the screen (Unfocused), or increase the range and damage of the shot types (Focused), depending on when the player bombs.

The game has 3 difficulties:

Heaven: Akin to Novice Mode in other shmups, and serves as a good mode for beginner level players.

Original: The base difficulty of the game.

Hell: Acts like the Ultra setting in the Mushihimesama games, with a substantial increase in enemy bullets.

There are no loops to be found, and the game has only 5 stages. If the player gets a No-Miss clear on Hell difficulty, they'll fight the True Last Boss of the game.

The player starts with 3 total lives. The player can gain one extend after every 5 Million points. Additionally, there is a hidden 1-Up item at the end of Stage 3, which can be revealed by shooting at the center of the screen. This hidden 1-Up can only be revealed if the player also collected every hidden treasure chest item in the stage as well.


Note: Ship stats are rough stimates until more concrete data is found. Research needed.

Blue Wish Unfocused Focused Damage
BWRP Blue Wish.png Spread Narrow Average

Unfocused Shot: Sends shots to all directions at a 90° angle

Focus Shot: Concentrates its fire to the center, with the options moving clockwise around the front of the ship.

The titular ship is very similar to Type-C ship from DoDonPachi, with a wide shot for its unfocused shot, and narrow array for its focused shot. It is a very easy ship to use, but its damage is overall lackluster when compared to other ships.

Blue Hope Unfocused Focused Damage
BWRP Blue Hope.png Semi-Spread Narrow High

Unfocused Shot: Fires both linear shots to the center while options wiggle left and right to spread bullets

Focused Shot: Sends bullets to the center of the screen while options shot lasers to the sides.

Blue Hope has very little spread on its unfocused shot, but both shots have good firepower, making this ship the most damaging one no matter the situation. Their good damage makes them great for boss fights, but stages may get complicated if the player doesn't know enemy placing and stage layouts.

Blue Peace Unfocused Focused Damage
300p Narrow Homing Average

Unfocused Shot: Fires a very concentrated array of shots in the center

Focused Shot: Sends multiple orb-lile bullets that home in on all enemies on screen

Blue Peace is a fairly unique ship, dealing more damage when unfocused, and having better screen coverage while focused. Their stage performance is excellent, but their low damage when focused makes dealing with high HP enemies or bosses trickier.

Eden's Edge Unfocused Focused Damage
BWRP Eden Edge.png Line Narrow Average

Unfocused Shot: Options fire lasers that follow the movement of the ship, having multiple formations that can vary depending on how the player moves the ship.

Focused Shot: All options retract to the ship to fire a concentrated barrage.

Eden's Edge is a really un-orthodox ship, with some similarities to the Trace option found in Mushihimesama. The dynamic way the options track movement can make for makeshift screen coverage, or high damage if the player can stack them on top of each other. It heavily rewards knowledge about stage layouts to use every option formation to the fullest


Item pow.gif
Power Up
Increases your shot power (max power after the 4th item). With max power, grabbing a new one will increase score by 50.000 points
Item bomb.gif
Increases your bomb stock by 1. With all bombs stocked, grabbing a new one will increase the score by 50.000 points
Item sc1.gif
Enemies will drop these after being destroyed. Their value increases more if the ship is close to them the moment they spawn.
Gold Box
After unveiling certain parts of the stages, these will appear and keep giving the player points for as long as they are in the screen


Scoring is relatively simple. In short, defeating enemies will cancel bullets and release score items. All score items are auto-collected, with their value decaying the further away they are collected from their initial spawn point. To maximize one's score, the key goal is to destroy enemies while being as close as possible to them.

There are also several hidden treasure chests throughout each stage. They will release a continuous stream of score items while on screen once revealed and opened. To reveal one, fly over its location with your ship, and shoot it to open. Many of these are hidden underneath large enemies in the stage, so memorizing their locations and opening each as early as possible is important for high score runs.

The bonus from resources at the end of each stage, and especially end of game, is very significant. Prioritizing survival and achieving a No Miss clear is essential, No Bomb also making for a significant portion of total score as well. The hidden 1-Up item in Stage 3 is worth at a minimum 2million points in Life Bonuses at the end of the game, so acquiring that is both helpful for survival and score play.

Ship selection is fairly important. Eden's Edge is probably the best ship in terms of damage output, screen coverage, and movement speed, however Blue Peace is generally considered to be optimal for high scoring, due to being able to generate the most tick points with its focused shot. Its overall lower damage output and slower speed can make it more difficult to use however.

Finally, playing with Auto-Guard set to Off in the game settings actually increases the end of game bonus for lives by 500,000 points per life in stock after a clear. This amounts for a significant portion of one's total score at the end of the game (an additional 10% of total), so playing with Guard OFF is essential for achieving top scores.

Score Items

The score value of the cube items obtained from destroyed enemies will variate depending on how quick they´re collected.

Score items have a base value of 100, and spawn with a multiplier of 8x, quickly decreasing to 1x depending on how far away from their initial spawn location they are when collected. Thus, the closer you are to the source of the score items, the larger amount of score you will receive upon pickup.

The multiplier is applied both to the base score from the item, and the amount added to the item counter in the top right of the screen. For example, an item collected at its initial spawn point will have 8x. Thus, it will award 800 points and increase the item counter by 8. If another score item is collected further away, with a multiplier of 3x, that next score item will award 300 points and increment the counter by 3. As a result, the player would have earned 1100 points and 11 score items, which are totaled together for the end of stage bonus.

The Item Counter

The game also has a chain/combo system of sorts, indicated by the score item counter in the top right of the screen. The counter will increase as the player collects score items. If they are hit, activating an Auto-Guard shield, the counter will decrease by roughly 33%, or 1/3rd its current value. If the player ship is destroyed, the item counter will decrease by 50%, or half its current total value.

Notably, bombing does not decrease the counter. Bombing converts all bullets on the screen into 1x score items, which will auto-collect to the player. Only the bullets canceled by the initial bomb activation will do so. Bullets canceled for the duration of the bomb will not convert to score items.

During boss fights, the item counter will quickly decrease. Bombing during a boss fight freezes the counter briefly. As it assists in defeating a boss faster, collects extra point items, and freezes the counter, on Hell mode it may be worth using a bomb for both survival and scoring purposes, as this is generally a much lower score penalty compared to being hit, even with Auto-Guard On. In most cases however, using a bomb will hurt the player's total score overall.

It should also be noted that bullets canceled by destroying large enemies or boss phases/parts will apply the item multiplier to converted items, whereas bullets cancelled by a bomb will always have the base value of 1x. Likewise, Bombs also influence end of stage bonuses, so is usually worth more than the benefit of using them for collecting extra items. As 1 bomb is worth at least 60,000 in bonus, one would need to have a positive increase of at least more than 600 score items collected at base value for it to be worth bombing purely for scoring purposes.

Stage Bonuses

End of Stage Bonuses
Shield Bonus (Stage Number * 50k + 250k) * (1 - Miss Count * 0.25)
Bomb Bonus Bombs in Stock * 60,000
Item Bonus Item Counter * 100
Stage Bonus Stage Number * 100,000

Bonuses are totaled at end of stage, and then added to the player's current score.

Additionally, switching the Auto-Guard feature on or off affects end of game bonus from lives.

All Clear Life Bonus
Guard On Lives * 2,500,000
Guard Off Lives * 2,000,000

References & Contributors

Page Contributors:
Short demand