STG Hall of Records/U

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U.S. Navy / Carrier Air Wing (Capcom)
Autofire Score Player Source Comment
OFF 2,654,640 A.BOY Twitter (Oct 23, 2022)
2,623,470 悲しいねSAD (死)(亡) Gamest (Jun 1991) Shoplifting x10, Perfect x9
ON 2,973,430 NSG-A.BOY(ど) Twitter (Jun 13, 2021)
JHA (Jun 2021)
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Autofire Score Player Source Comment
- 2,593,050 CYCLONE-HURRICANE Gamest (Jan 1991)
OFF 2,599,860 あぶそうぶ(ベ) Gamest (Mar 1991) Perfect x8
ON 2,972,460 イマサラT.O Twitter (May 17, 2020)
JHA (May 2020)
Youtube (Apr 6, 2021)
special shoplifter button
2,971,660 NSG-A.BOY(ど) Twitter (Jan 4, 2020)
JHA (Jan 2020)
used frame movement button, Shoplifting x10
2,969,510 DBS Twitter (Jan 22, 2017)
2,957,960 DBS Played date: Jan 21, 2017
Twitter (Jan 22, 2017)
2,956,280 NSG-A.BOY(ど) Twitter (Nov 3, 2019)
JHA (Nov 2019)
used frame movement button, Shoplifting x10
2,953,090 DBS Twitter (Jan 15, 2017)
2,939,390 イマサラT.O JHA (Aug 2016)
2,933,280 HYAKU-KTL-十三アインUGF Gamest (Aug 1997) used F-18, shoplifter button
2,932,360 HOP-HRC(ゲ)(バ)(王)ゲバらせれば日本ー Gamest (Dec 1991) used F-18
2,904,990 CYCLONE-HURRICANE Gamest (Mar 1991)
2,878,070 HYAKU族-OHK(会)-UGF(百) Gamest (Feb 1991)
Uchuu Senkan Gomora / Bio-Ship Paladin (UPL)
Autofire Score Player Source Comment
OFF 1,460,520 G.M.C.R-I Gamest (Mar 1991) (corrected in Gamest Apr 1991) score bug used
ON 1,480,520 hamami JHA (Oct 2021) score bug used
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Autofire Score Player Source Comment
- 829,600 G.M.C.R-I Gamest (Feb 1991)
ON 1,478,920 hamami JHA (Sep 2021) score bug used
1,475,920 hamami Twitter (Sep 8, 2021) score bug used
1,475,520 hamami Twitter (Sep 7, 2021) score bug used
1,474,120 WZH Gamest (Mar 1991)
Micom Basic (Mar 1991)
score bug used
1,379,520 WZH Gamest (Feb 1991) score bug used, died stage 9

Note: There is a major scoring bug in stage 7 worth 634,120 points. Scores exploiting this bug can be distinguished from non-bug scores as they always end on the digits ...20. For details, see this video.

Ultimate Ecology / Eco Fighters (Capcom)
Autofire Score Player Source Comment
OFF 2,513,600 ZAC-Ristar Arcadia (Dec 1999) no Biba
ON 2,571,400 タイミング(パ)(コ)(ピ) Gamest (Oct 1998) Biba 20k, Rock 1,031,000
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Autofire Score Player Source Comment
OFF 2,506,600 ZAC-Ristar Gamest (Feb 1999)
2,482,400 ZAC-Ristar Gamest (Jan 1999) Biba 20k, birds 500
2,479,800 IKA先生おげんき? ZAC-Ristar Gamest (Oct 1998) Biba 20k
2,469,500 ZAC-Ristar Gamest (Sep 1998) no Biba
2,440,700 マイルスマイラー同盟 ZAC-Ristar Gamest (Aug 1998) Biba 20k
2,433,700 THさんおめでとう! Zac-Ristar Gamest (Jul 1998) no Biba
2,397,200 CRM-ZAC-Ristar-ドゾンぱち Gamest (Jun 1998) no Biba, 0L remaining
2,388,400 CRM-ZAC-Ristar-ドゾンぱち Gamest (May 1998) no Biba, 3L remaining
2,376,600 キンコンカン閉店4周年記念[波] Gamest (Aug 1997)
2,312,400 NOD-MDK Gamest (Nov 15, 1994)
2,293,600 あいだをとって99.5段 by春日恭介 Gamest (Oct 30, 1994) 0L remaining
2,219,500 CVは深見梨加●ミュン・ファン・ローン Gamest (Oct 15, 1994)
1,608,200 PHU-SDR Gamest (Sep 30, 1994) 1p side, died to last boss
ON 2,550,900 カラリオ(パ)(コ)(風)(声) Gamest (Sep 1998) Biba 22k
2,547,400 土曜日の夜はババババ PUCCY Gamest (Jul 1998) Biba 2k
2,531,600 CRM-ZAC-改造人間-ドゾンぱち Gamest (Jun 1998) Biba 2k
2,531,200 パチコレ目標1万枚 ぱチぷろ先生 Gamest (May 1998) no Biba
2,504,600 [波] Gamest (Sep 1997)
2,490,700 キンコンカン閉店4周年記念[波] Gamest (Aug 1997)
2,452,600 NOD-MDK Gamest (Nov 15, 1994)
2,419,600 うそー99段しかないはずよ by鮎川まどか Gamest (Oct 30, 1994) 1L remaining
2,399,200 美奈子の左手2本!? NOD-MDK Gamest (Oct 15, 1994)
2,396,000 職業はノーター NOD-MDK Gamest (Sep 30, 1994) 80k x6
Ultra Keibitai / Ultra X Weapons (Seta)
Score Player Source Comment
9,999,999 くれしまくん Gamest (Apr 1995) autofire, used Ultra Seven
MOL-SAI Gamest (Apr 1995) autofire
CIY Gamest (Apr 1995) autofire

Note: Scoreboard closed after the achievement of the counterstop at 9,999,999.

Under Defeat (G.Rev)
Score Player Source Comment
7,693,060 えす☆さま JHA (Dec 2019) Reverse, 0L 5B remaining
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Score Player Source Comment
7,660,380 YOH Arcadia (Mar 2012)
USAAF Mustang (NMK)
Score Player Source Comment
10,000,000+α KSY☆吉浦 Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 6-8
R-1 Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 8-7
PIA-冬眠中PJM Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 7-7
Disp-..A (人) Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 7-4
LCN修斗 (蹴) Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 8-4
KSGな人 (魔) Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 7-8
IML-YUJ Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 9-5
MIROR Gamest (Sep 1990) stage 9-3

Note: Japanese scoreboard closed after the achievement of the target score of 10,000,000.