STG Hall of Records/Database
Attention: This page serves as a database and is not meant to be consumed by end users. If you came here for the STG Hall of Records, follow one of these links:
- English version:
- 日本語版:記録の殿堂
The contents of this page serve as a database and are meant to be put into a generator. The generator converts the raw data, written in YAML, into actual wiki pages for different languages.
Every section of data is enclosed in <nowiki></nowiki> tags. Everything outside outside of these tags will be ignored by the parser. The first section is named global and contains settings for the whole page, all the remaining sections each contain data about a single game.
Global settings
Values defined in this section apply to all the games in the database or the whole page in general (e.g. description, sorting of games, common translations, ...). For further information, please refer to the actual value, most of the settings are documented.
Each game is defined by the following properties:
name: Name of the game name-jp: 日本語のタイトル / Japanese title in kanji name-kana: にほんごのたいとる / Japanese title in hiragana company: Developer / Publisher counterstop: Counterstop (optional, see below) scores: Score entries (see below) links: - url: title: Title for the link - url: title: Second link title description: "Description containing notes about counterstops and other noteworthy stuff." layout: Layout information (see below) translations: Game-specific translations (see below)
If the game contains a counterstop, its type and value can be specified. Score entries reaching the counterstop will be colored automatically.
The type hard means the game itself cannot display a higher score.
counterstop: score: 99,999,999 type: hard
The type soft represents an artificial counterstop for infinite games, usually imposed by a Japanese leaderboard.
counterstop: score: 10,000,000 type: soft
For each score the properties listed below are available. They are heavily game-dependent and usually not all of them are useful. Unnecessary properties can (and should) be omitted.
score: Score (required) score-real: Real score if different from ''score'' (usually only necessary if the score has been tracked beyond a counterstop) player: Name of the player (required) ship: Selected ship / character mode: Game mode / difficulty weapon: Weapon / style loop: Loop type version: Version (1P, 2P, Japan, World, Old, New, ...) autofire: Flag whether autofire was used or not sources: List of information sources comments: List of additional comments image-urls: List of URLs pointing to screenshots of the score added-date: Date the score was added to the HoR (YYYY-MM-DD|YYYY-MM|YYYY) (required)
Additional properties may be specified. In this case the generator will treat their values verbatim.
For every property a property with the same name and a locale suffix can be specified. Its value will be used on the page in the corresponding language instead of the value of the original property. Currently only '-jp' for Japanese is used but this can be extended to support more languages.
Most properties from the global section can be expanded or overriden.
layout: # Overrides the globally defined column order for this game. column-order: - sources - ship - mode - score - auto-fire - comments # Additional column definitions. They can be used to define new game-specific columns (see # `auto-fire`) or to override definitions for existing columns (see `mode`) for this game. columns: # Change label for existing column `mode`. mode: label: Loop label-jp: 2周種 # Define new column `auto-fire`. - auto-fire: label: Auto fire label-jp: オート連射 template: "{{ autofire }}" # Sort order can either be a direction (asc = ascending, desc = descending; see `mode`) # or a fixed order of values (see `ship`). These sort values will be applied *after* the # ones from the global section. sort: scores: ship: [ Type A, Type B ] mode: asc
Each entry takes a property and a value along with its translations. Let's look at some examples:
translations: - property: ship value: Tiger Schwert value-jp: TYPE-A ティーゲルシュベルト - property: ship value: Panzer Jäger value-jp: TYPE-B パンツァーイェーガー
Example 1: Whenever a score contains the value of `Tiger Schwert`, it is translated to `TYPE-A ティーゲルシュベルト` for the Japanese locale and left as `Tiger Schwert` for the others. Same thing for `Panzer Jäger`.
It is possible to use a simplified value for the score entries and then translate it into all the different languages.
translations: - property: ship value: Type A value-en: Tiger Schwert value-jp: TYPE-A ティーゲルシュベルト - property: ship value: Type B value-en: Panzer Jäger value-jp: TYPE-B パンツァーイェーガー
Example 2: Whenever a score contains the value of `Type A`, it is translated to `Tiger Schwert` for English and `TYPE-A ティーゲルシュベルト` for Japanese. Since there is a translation specified for all the available locales, the value `Type A` is not displayed at all and serves merely as a placeholder. Same thing for `Type B`.
Full example
<pre><nowiki> name: "Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi" name-jp: ケツイ ~絆地獄たち~ name-kana: けつい ~きずなじごくたち~ company: Cave scores: - score: 507,780,433 player: SPS ship: Type A mode: Omote sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2014-08" added-date: "2020-06-14" - score: 481,402,383 player: SPS ship: Type B mode: Omote sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2014-11" comments: - 6L 0B remaining - 1st loop 276m added-date: "2020-06-13" - score: 489,893,348 player: SPS ship: Type A mode: Omote sources: - name: Twitter date: "2010-04" url: added-date: "2020-06-07" - score: 569,741,232 player: GAN ship: Type B mode: Ura sources: - name: JHA date: "2016-03" comments: - 6L remaining added-date: "2020-06-21" - score: 583,614,753 player: SPS ship: Type A mode: Ura sources: - name: Twitter date: "2014-05-27" url: - name: Arcadia date: "2014-09" comments: - 6L 0B remaining - 1st loop 285m added-date: "2020-06-23" links: - url: title: JHA Leaderboard title-jp: 日本ハイスコア協会 - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic layout: column-order: - ship - mode - score - player - sources - comments columns: mode: label: Loop label-jp: 2周種 sort: scores: ship: [ Type A, Type B ] mode: asc translations: - property: ship value: Type A value-en: Tiger Schwert value-jp: TYPE-A ティーゲルシュベルト - property: ship value: Type B value-en: Panzer Jäger value-jp: TYPE-B パンツァーイェーガー - property: mode value: Omote value-jp: 表 - property: mode value: Ura value-jp: 裏 </nowiki></pre>
This is a series of step-by-step guides for the most common actions.
How to add a new score
Find the game which you want to enter a new score for
All games are listed here. Use Ctrl+f or the ToC to find your game and click on the edit link next to the heading.
Check whether the layout gets generated
You see a bunch of properties and their values enclosed in <pre>/<nowiki> tags. If the game still has a fixed template i.e. if there exists a property named (see example below), proceed with the next step, otherwise add the new score.
layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} some wikitable {% endverbatim %}
Decide whether you want to convert the fixed template
The fixed template has to be converted to be picked up by the generator. This can be done now or later, depending on the time at hand and the amount of data buried within the template.
Refer to this guide if you feel like converting the fixed template for this game right now. Continue with the next step if you converted the template, otherwise add the new score to the fixed template.
Add new score
We use the following example as the current state.
name: "Omega Fighter" name-jp: "オメガファイター" name-kana: "おめがふぁいたあ" company: "UPL" needs-work: true scores: - score: 17,175,210 player: Clover-YMN sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-07" links: - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic
Now to add our new score, we just create a new score entry and add it to the scores property. It does not matter where exactly you add it (above, below or somewhere in between the existing scores). Be sure to include the property added-date with the new score.
Important: Do not remove obsolete scores, they will be filtered out automatically as necessary.
name: "Omega Fighter" name-jp: "オメガファイター" name-kana: "おめがふぁいたあ" company: "UPL" needs-work: true scores: - score: 17,175,210 player: Clover-YMN sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-07" - score: 18,348,380 player: Dare-Ka sources: - name: Twitter date: "2020-11-24" url: added-date: "2020-11-26" links: - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic
If the score can be tracked beyond the counterstop, specify the real score as a separate property score-real. Otherwise the sorting might not work as expected.
- score: 10,000,000 score-real: 18,348,380
Add new score to fixed template
We use the following example as the current state.
name: "Phelios" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Namco" needs-work: true layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Phelios}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Phelios]] (Namco) |- ! Mode !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Easy || {{v|a1|867,930}} || TEN || JHA June 2019 || stage 2: 127,280 || |- | Hard || {{v|b1|1,445,240}} || TEN || JHA September 2018 || Dupon Double K.O. x4 || |} {% endverbatim %}
If the property scores does not exist yet, create it.
name: "Phelios" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Namco" needs-work: true scores: layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Phelios}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Phelios]] (Namco) |- ! Mode !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Easy || {{v|a1|867,930}} || TEN || JHA June 2019 || stage 2: 127,280 || |- | Hard || {{v|b1|1,445,240}} || TEN || JHA September 2018 || Dupon Double K.O. x4 || |} {% endverbatim %}
Create a score entry for the current record (the one that gets obsolete by the new score) if necessary.
This step is optional. If you skip it, the previous record is not available for score progression statistics.
name: "Phelios" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Namco" needs-work: true scores: - score: 867,930 player: TEN mode: Easy sources: - name: JHA date: "2009-06" comments: - "stage 2: 127,280" layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Phelios}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Phelios]] (Namco) |- ! Mode !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Easy || {{v|a1|867,930}} || TEN || JHA June 2019 || stage 2: 127,280 || |- | Hard || {{v|b1|1,445,240}} || TEN || JHA September 2018 || Dupon Double K.O. x4 || |} {% endverbatim %}
Create a score entry for the new record.
This step is optional. If you skip it, you have to extract the information from the fixed template at a later date again.
name: "Phelios" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Namco" needs-work: true scores: - score: 867,930 player: TEN mode: Easy sources: - name: JHA date: "2009-06" comments: - "stage 2: 127,280" - score: 893,820 player: Dare-Ka mode: Easy sources: - name: JHA date: "2020-11" added-date: "2020-11-30" layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Phelios}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Phelios]] (Namco) |- ! Mode !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Easy || {{v|a1|867,930}} || TEN || JHA June 2019 || stage 2: 127,280 || |- | Hard || {{v|b1|1,445,240}} || TEN || JHA September 2018 || Dupon Double K.O. x4 || |} {% endverbatim %}
Update the fixed template with the new record.
name: "Phelios" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Namco" needs-work: true scores: - score: 867,930 player: TEN mode: Easy sources: - name: JHA date: "2009-06" comments: - "stage 2: 127,280" - score: 893,820 player: Dare-Ka mode: Easy sources: - name: JHA date: "2020-11" added-date: "2020-11-30" layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Phelios}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Phelios]] (Namco) |- ! Mode !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Easy || {{v|a1|893,820}} || Dare-Ka || JHA November 2020 || || |- | Hard || {{v|b1|1,445,240}} || TEN || JHA September 2018 || Dupon Double K.O. x4 || |} {% endverbatim %}
How to convert a fixed template
We use the following example to go through the conversion step by step.
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: name-kana: company: "Treasure" needs-work: true layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Radiant Silvergun}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Radiant Silvergun]] (Treasure) |- ! Route !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Stage 2 || {{v|a1|23,101,650}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || August 26th, 2008 (Arcadia December 2008) || after 3E: 4.80m, after 2E: 10.05m; in 5A: 12.22m || [ Youtube] |- | Stage 4 || {{v|b1|27,550,780}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || November 15th, 2008 (Arcadia February 2009) || after 3E: 4.79m, after 4E: 14.33m; in 5A: 12.28m || [ Youtube] |} Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years! * [ JHA Leaderboard] * [ Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic] {% endverbatim %}
Fill in the Japanese name
Set the Japanese name of the game into the properties name-jp and name-kana if they are not translated yet. name-kana is always in Hiragana.
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: "レイディアントシルバーガン" name-kana: "れいでぃあんとしるばーがん" company: "Treasure" needs-work: true layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Radiant Silvergun}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Radiant Silvergun]] (Treasure) |- ! Route !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Stage 2 || {{v|a1|23,101,650}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || August 26th, 2008 (Arcadia December 2008) || after 3E: 4.80m, after 2E: 10.05m; in 5A: 12.22m || [ Youtube] |- | Stage 4 || {{v|b1|27,550,780}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || November 15th, 2008 (Arcadia February 2009) || after 3E: 4.79m, after 4E: 14.33m; in 5A: 12.28m || [ Youtube] |} Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years! * [ JHA Leaderboard] * [ Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic] {% endverbatim %}
Create score entries
Create a score entry for each score buried in the template. If the property scores is not present yet, create it first. The order of the score entries does not matter.
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: "レイディアントシルバーガン" name-kana: "れいでぃあんとしるばーがん" company: "Treasure" needs-work: true scores: - score: 23,101,650 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 2 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2008-12" - name: Youtube date: "2008-08-26" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.80m" - "after 2E: 10.05m" - "in 5A: 12.22m" - score: 27,550,780 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 4 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-02" - name: Youtube date: "2008-11-15" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.79m" - "after 4E: 14.33m" - "in 5A: 12.28m" layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Radiant Silvergun}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Radiant Silvergun]] (Treasure) |- ! Route !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Stage 2 || {{v|a1|23,101,650}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || August 26th, 2008 (Arcadia December 2008) || after 3E: 4.80m, after 2E: 10.05m; in 5A: 12.22m || [ Youtube] |- | Stage 4 || {{v|b1|27,550,780}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || November 15th, 2008 (Arcadia February 2009) || after 3E: 4.79m, after 4E: 14.33m; in 5A: 12.28m || [ Youtube] |} Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years! * [ JHA Leaderboard] * [ Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic] {% endverbatim %}
Add game properties
Create properties for game links and description if they are present in the template. If the game contains a counterstop, add that property as well.
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: "レイディアントシルバーガン" name-kana: "れいでぃあんとしるばーがん" company: "Treasure" needs-work: true scores: - score: 23,101,650 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 2 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2008-12" - name: Youtube date: "2008-08-26" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.80m" - "after 2E: 10.05m" - "in 5A: 12.22m" - score: 27,550,780 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 4 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-02" - name: Youtube date: "2008-11-15" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.79m" - "after 4E: 14.33m" - "in 5A: 12.28m" description: "Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years!" links: - url: title: JHA Leaderboard - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic layout: templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Radiant Silvergun}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Radiant Silvergun]] (Treasure) |- ! Route !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Stage 2 || {{v|a1|23,101,650}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || August 26th, 2008 (Arcadia December 2008) || after 3E: 4.80m, after 2E: 10.05m; in 5A: 12.22m || [ Youtube] |- | Stage 4 || {{v|b1|27,550,780}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || November 15th, 2008 (Arcadia February 2009) || after 3E: 4.79m, after 4E: 14.33m; in 5A: 12.28m || [ Youtube] |} Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years! * [ JHA Leaderboard] * [ Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic] {% endverbatim %}
Add columns and sort
Add the properties layout.sort and layout.columns to define sorting and columns if necessary. This step is necessary only if the scores are divided into different categories (i.e. whenever one of the following properties is set: version, autofire, mode, ship, weapon or loop).
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: "レイディアントシルバーガン" name-kana: "れいでぃあんとしるばーがん" company: "Treasure" needs-work: true scores: - score: 23,101,650 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 2 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2008-12" - name: Youtube date: "2008-08-26" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.80m" - "after 2E: 10.05m" - "in 5A: 12.22m" - score: 27,550,780 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 4 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-02" - name: Youtube date: "2008-11-15" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.79m" - "after 4E: 14.33m" - "in 5A: 12.28m" description: "Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years!" links: - url: title: JHA Leaderboard - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic layout: columns: mode: label: Route label-jp: ステージ選択 sort: scores: mode: asc templates: game: | {% verbatim %} {{Anchor|Radiant Silvergun}} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="6" | [[Radiant Silvergun]] (Treasure) |- ! Route !! Score !! Player !! Date / Source !! Comment !! Replay |- | Stage 2 || {{v|a1|23,101,650}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || August 26th, 2008 (Arcadia December 2008) || after 3E: 4.80m, after 2E: 10.05m; in 5A: 12.22m || [ Youtube] |- | Stage 4 || {{v|b1|27,550,780}} || T³-CYR-WIZ || November 15th, 2008 (Arcadia February 2009) || after 3E: 4.79m, after 4E: 14.33m; in 5A: 12.28m || [ Youtube] |} Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years! * [ JHA Leaderboard] * [ Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic] {% endverbatim %}
Remove the fixed template
Remove the fixed template from the property layout.
name: "Radiant Silvergun" name-jp: "レイディアントシルバーガン" name-kana: "れいでぃあんとしるばーがん" company: "Treasure" needs-work: true scores: - score: 23,101,650 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 2 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2008-12" - name: Youtube date: "2008-08-26" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.80m" - "after 2E: 10.05m" - "in 5A: 12.22m" - score: 27,550,780 player: T³-CYR-WIZ mode: Stage 4 sources: - name: Arcadia date: "2009-02" - name: Youtube date: "2008-11-15" url: comments: - "after 3E: 4.79m" - "after 4E: 14.33m" - "in 5A: 12.28m" description: "Note: There have not been any updates for more than 10 years!" links: - url: title: JHA Leaderboard - url: title: Shmups Forum Hi-Score Topic layout: columns: mode: label: Route label-jp: ステージ選択 sort: scores: mode: asc
Congratulations, the conversion is complete! Save your changes if you have not yet.
How to update the HoR pages with the newest data from the database
- Go to the generator page.
- Load the database page into the input field by pressing the button Load input from database or copy the contents manually.
- If you just want to generate a single game, select it from the dropdown and press Filter input. The dropdown appears only after the database has been loaded into the input field.
- Press Generate.
- Copy the English output (Output for locale `en`) from the textfield.
- Go to the English HoR page and hit edit.
- Paste the content into the page, replacing the old content.
- Use Show preview and Show changes to make sure the output looks as expected.
- Save the changes to the HoR page.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9 for the Japanese output (Output for locale `jp`) and its HoR page.
Global settings
name: global # Main description in wiki syntax, available as variable `description` within the templates. description: | [[File:Micomlogo.jpg|800px|center]] Welcome to the STG Hall of Records! In the following page you will find a list of all world record scores for arcade shmups. The list is a major revision of the [ long-standing topic on the Shmups Forum] under the same name, which was maintained by the user NTSC-J from September 2011 to July 2020. This list takes the Japanese score keeping traditions as a basis, primarily the uninterrupted combined tradition of Gamest magazine (1986 to 1999), Arcadia magazine (1999 to 2015) and the [ website] of the Japan Highscore Association a.k.a. JHA (2016 to the present). For the current revision of the STG Hall of Records, several more scores have been retrieved from other sources such as Micom Basic magazine (1984 to 1999) but also private Twitter accounts, forums, and other websites. To read more about the tracking of arcade highscores in Japan, please check [ this short article]. [[File:MICB.jpg|400px|right]] The STG Hall of Records in its current form would have been an unthinkable project without the meticulous work carried out by Marco “Gemant” Frattino who has been spreading information about Japanese arcade highscores with tireless enthusiasm within the english-speaking community for over a decade. Gemant’s work culminates in the latest publication of his monumental project ARCA (started in 2007), a document providing information on a selection of 600 arcade games (not only shmups), which can be [ accessed here]. However, the STG Hall of Records is not merely a copy of Gemant’s document. Whenever possible, the records have been double checked and verified. Furthermore, you will notice two fundamental departures from the ARCA project. First, while non-shmups have been excluded, the STG Hall of Records aims to cover every arcade shmup and is constantly growing, not limited to a specific number of games. Second, games from the so-called “Golden Era” (pre 1985 and therefore prior to the first issue of Gamest) are also considered. As an additional innovation, the STG Hall of Records also lists scores for various categories that otherwise do not exist within the Japanese tradition, e.g. a more in-depth and specific recordkeeping of subtypes of ships (e.g. including shot and laser types in [[DoDonPachi]]). Scores from particularly accurate ports (e.g. [[Battle Garegga]] on PS4 or [[Crimzon Clover]] on Steam) or scores achieved on emulators (e.g. Mame or GOTVG) can also be found on the list. These scores are not meant to replace the current arcade scores and are but seen as a supplement. Geographically speaking, scores from all over the world are considered. Mostly limited to a number of older games, Japanese scorekeeping sometimes sets a goal score of 10,000,000 points and closes the game for competition once this threshold is achieved regardless of whether the score counter would continue normally or roll over back to 0. These scores are marked by the notation of "+α", e.g. "10,000,000+α" and are then marked in green color to indicate that the ranking is officially closed under JHA rules. The STG Hall of Records likewise lists these +α-scores and indicates the first player(s) to reach this score (players achieving the same goal score later on are not considered). Moreover, the highest score beyond this arbitrary threshold is also listed. Only when a true counterstop is achieved, the game or category will be closed for competition as long as no special rules apply as is the case with Ultra Mode in [[Mushihimesama Futari]] 1.5. In the case of a counterstop, the ranking will be marked in grey color to indicate that it is closed. # Layout information applicable to the whole page or all the games in the database. layout: # Sort order for the games within the page or the scores within each game respectively. sort: games: name: asc scores: score: desc # Properties to group scores by. Every combination of these properties forms a category within a game. # Example: If grouped by ship only, all the scores achieved with the same ship are put into the same # category no matter the mode, weapon or any property. group: scores: - version - autofire - platform - game - mode - difficulty - ship - weapon - loop # Default order for the columns (see next property). For each game, only columns that have been set # will be displayed. column-order: - version - autofire - game - mode - difficulty - ship - weapon - loop - score - player - sources - comments # Available columns. Columns specified here can be used for all games. columns: player: label: Player label-jp: プレイヤー template: "{{ score.player }}" score: label: Score label-jp: スコア template: | {{ score.score }}{% if attribute(score, 'score-real') and attribute(score, 'score-real') != score.score %} [{{ attribute(score, 'score-real') }}]{% endif %} ship: label: Ship label-jp: 自機 template: "{{ score.ship }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true game: label: Game label-jp: ゲーム template: "{{ }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true mode: label: Mode label-jp: モード template: "{{ score.mode }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true difficulty: label: Difficulty label-jp: 難易度 template: "{{ score.difficulty }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true loop: label: Loop label-jp: 2周種 template: "{{ score.loop }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true weapon: label: Weapon label-jp: ショット template: "{{ score.weapon }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true comments: label: Comment label-jp: 備考 template: "{{ score.comments|join(', ') }}" version: label: Version label-jp: バージョン template: "{{ score.version }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true autofire: label: Autofire label-jp: オート連射 template: "{{ score.autofire }}" attributes: is-category: true is-mergeable: true platform: label: Platform label-jp: プラットフォーム template: "{{ score.platform }}" sources: label: Source label-jp: 情報元 template: | {% for source in score.sources %}{% if source.url %}[{{ source.url }} {{ }}]{% else %}{{|formatDate }}{% endif %}{% if %} ({{|formatDate }}){% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}<br>{% endif %}{% endfor %} # Wiki templates. The one named `main` is the entry point, everything else gets included from there. templates: main: | {{ description|raw }} {{ include('toc') }} {{ include('games') }} toc: | <table class="wikitable"> <tr> {% set numNonEmptyGroups = 0 %} {% for group in games.grouped.byInitials %} {% if %} <th class="{% for game in %}mw-customtoggle-{{ }} {% endfor %}" style="padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;">{{ group.title }}</th> {% set numNonEmptyGroups = numNonEmptyGroups + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} </tr> {% for group in games.grouped.byInitials %} {% for game in %} <tr id="mw-customcollapsible-{{ }}" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> <td colspan="{{ numNonEmptyGroups }}">[[#{{ }}|{{ }}]]</td> </tr> {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </table> __NOTOC__ games: | {% for game in games.all %} {# Use custom game template where available. #} {% set customTemplate = "game-#{}" %} {{ include([customTemplate, 'game']) }} {% endfor %} game: | {# Always us an array for counterstops #} {% set counterstops = [] %} {% if %}{# Single counterstop defined #} {% set counterstops = [] %} {% elseif %}{# Multiple counterstops defined #} {% set counterstops = %} {% endif %} {{ '{{' }}Anchor|{{ }}{{ '}}' }} {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center" |- ! colspan="{{ game.headers|length }}" | {{ }} ({{ }}) {# Current records #} {% set scores = [] %} {% for score in game.scores %} {% if['is-current-record'] %} {% set scores = scores|merge([score]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} |- ! {{ game.headers|join(' !! ') }} {% for scoreIndex,score in scores %} {{ include('score') }} {% endfor %} {# Previous records #} {% set scores = [] %} {% for score in game.scores %} {% if not['is-current-record'] %} {% set scores = scores|merge([score]) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {# Set guard to false to prevent previous records from being included in the output. #} {% if true and scores %} {% set gameId =|md5 %} {% set scoreCssAttrs = { 'id': "mw-customcollapsible-#{gameId}", 'class': 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed', 'style': "background-color:#eee; color:#999;" } %} <!-- Remove table rows below if you do NOT want previous records to be displayed. --> |- id="mw-customcollapsible-{{ gameId }}" class="mw-customtoggle-{{ gameId }} mw-collapsible" | colspan="{{ game.headers|length }}" style="{{ scoreCssAttrs['style'] }} font-size: smaller; padding: 2px;" | {% if locale == 'jp' %}過去の記録を表示する{% else %}Show previous records{% endif %} |- id="mw-customcollapsible-{{ gameId }}" class="mw-customtoggle-{{ gameId }} mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" | colspan="{{ game.headers|length }}" style="{{ scoreCssAttrs['style'] }} font-size: smaller; padding: 2px;" | {% if locale == 'jp' %}過去の記録を隠す{% else %}Hide previous records{% endif %} |- {% for name,value in scoreCssAttrs %}{{ name }}="{{ value }}" {% endfor %} ! {{ game.headers|join(' !! ') }} {% for scoreIndex,score in scores %} {{ include('score') }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} |} {% if %} {{ }} {% endif %} {% if %} {% for link in %} * [{{ link.url}} {{link.title}}] {% endfor %} {% endif %} score: | {% set prevScore = scores[scoreIndex - 1] %} {% set nextScore = scores[scoreIndex + 1] %} {# Check for counterstops #} {% set isCounterstop = false %} {% set counterstopType = null %} {% for counterstop in counterstops %} {% if counterstop.score and == counterstop.score %} {% set isCounterstop = true %} {% set counterstopType = counterstop.type %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} |- {% for name,value in scoreCssAttrs %}{{ name }}="{{ value }}" {% endfor %} | {% for columnIndex,column in score.columns %} {% set cellValue = column.value %} {% set classes = '' %} {% if isCounterstop and not column.attributes['is-category'] %} {% set classes = "hor-counterstop-#{counterstopType} #{classes}" %} {% endif %} {# Merge counterstop score values as well #} {% if column.attributes['is-mergeable'] or == 'score' and isCounterstop and ==['score-real'] %} {% set mergeWithTopCell = true %} {% set mergeWithBottomCell = true %} {% for i in 0..columnIndex %} {% if not prevScore or prevScore.columns[i].value != score.columns[i].value %} {% set mergeWithTopCell = false %} {% endif %} {% if not nextScore or nextScore.columns[i].value != score.columns[i].value %} {% set mergeWithBottomCell = false %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if mergeWithTopCell and mergeWithBottomCell %} {% set cellValue = '' %} {% set classes = "hor-merged-cell #{classes}" %} {% elseif mergeWithTopCell %} {% set cellValue = '' %} {% set classes = "hor-merged-cell-last #{classes}" %} {% elseif mergeWithBottomCell %} {% set classes = "hor-merged-cell-first #{classes}" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if classes %}class="{{ classes }}" | {% endif %} {{ cellValue|raw }}{% if not loop.last %} || {% endif %} {% endfor %} # Common translations applicable to all games in the database. translations: # Translations for companies. - property: company value: ADK value-jp: エーディーケイ - property: company value: Afega value-jp: アフェーガ - property: company value: A.I. value-jp: エーアイ - property: company value: Aicom / Yumekobo value-jp: エイコム / 夢工房 - property: company value: Alfa System value-jp: アルファ・システム - property: company value: Allumer value-jp: アルュメ - property: company value: Athena value-jp: アテナ - property: company value: Atlus value-jp: アトラス - property: company value: Banpresto value-jp: バンプレスト - property: company value: Capcom value-jp: カプコン - property: company value: CAVE value-jp: ケイブ - property: company value: Coreland value-jp: コアランド - property: company value: Crux value-jp: クラックス - property: company value: Data East value-jp: データイースト - property: company value: Dooyong value-jp: ドーヤン - property: company value: DORAGON value-jp: ドラゴン - property: company value: East Technology value-jp: イーストテクノロジー - property: company value: exA-Arcadia value-jp: exA-Arcadia - property: company value: Face value-jp: フェイス - property: company value: Gazelle value-jp: ガゼル - property: company value: G.Rev value-jp: グレフ - property: company value: Hot-B value-jp: ホット・ビィ - property: company value: Hudson value-jp: ハドソン - property: company value: IGS value-jp: IGS - property: company value: Irem value-jp: アイレム - property: company value: Jaleco value-jp: ジャレコ - property: company value: Jorudan value-jp: ジョルダン - property: company value: Kaneko value-jp: カネコ - property: company value: Konami value-jp: コナミ - property: company value: M2 value-jp: エムツー - property: company value: Mebius value-jp: メビウス - property: company value: Metro value-jp: メトロ - property: company value: Milestone value-jp: マイルストーン - property: company value: Mitchell value-jp: ミッチェル - property: company value: Namco value-jp: ナムコ - property: company value: Neotro value-jp: ネオトロ - property: company value: Nichibutsu value-jp: ニチブツ - property: company value: Nihon System value-jp: 日本システム - property: company value: NMK value-jp: NMK - property: company value: Psikyo value-jp: 彩京 - property: company value: Raizing / 8ing value-jp: ライジング / エイティング - property: company value: RIKI value-jp: RIKI - property: company value: Sammy value-jp: サミー - property: company value: Sega value-jp: セガ - property: company value: Seibu Kaihatsu / Moss value-jp: セイブ開発 / モス - property: company value: Seta value-jp: セタ - property: company value: Skonec value-jp: スコーネック - property: company value: SNK value-jp: SNK - property: company value: Studio Siesta value-jp: スタジオシエスタ - property: company value: Success value-jp: サクセス - property: company value: Taito value-jp: タイトー - property: company value: Takumi value-jp: タクミ - property: company value: Tanoshimasu value-jp: タノシマス - property: company value: Tecmo value-jp: テクモ - property: company value: Tecnosoft value-jp: テクノソフト - property: company value: Tehkan value-jp: テーカン - property: company value: Toaplan value-jp: 東亜プラン - property: company value: Touhou FDF value-jp: 東方FDF - property: company value: Treasure value-jp: トレジャー - property: company value: Triangle Service / Oriental Soft value-jp: トライアングル・サービス / オリエンタルソフト - property: company value: UPL value-jp: UPL - property: company value: Video System value-jp: ビデオシステム - property: company value: Visco value-jp: ビスコ - property: company value: Warashi value-jp: 童 - property: company value: Yang Chen value-jp: ヤンチェン - property: company value: Yotsubane value-jp: 四ツ羽根 # Translations for magazines. - property: sources value: Arcadia value-jp: アルカディア fuzzy-match: true - property: sources value: Gamest value-jp: ゲーメスト fuzzy-match: true - property: sources value: Micom Basic value-jp: マイコンBASIC fuzzy-match: true - property: sources value: Twitter value-jp: ツイッター fuzzy-match: true - property: sources value: niconico value-jp: ニコニコ fuzzy-match: true # Translations for links. - property: links value: JHA Leaderboard value-jp: 日本ハイスコア協会 fuzzy-match: true