Darius Gaiden/Video Index

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Darius Gaiden


Zone Z'

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Yamada Tarô 14,643,340 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Nico 1 2 3 no-miss
G.M.C.IMO 14,178,270 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
G.M.C.IMO 14,116,140 Saturn ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
京城 13,496,150 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Youtube Gamest superplay VHS; no-miss
MBK-YAP 10,250,610 PS4 ABDGKPZ’ Youtube no-miss
MathU 10,137,890 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGKPZ' PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
foxlab 10,042,030 Saturn ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
Hironori Narushima 9,464,870 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss, no-bomb
Owakusorm 9,016,180 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
としぞー 8,747,790 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
Thiago Panato 8,733,880 PC (Steam) ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
KUNI 8,539,890 Switch ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 8,478,580 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss, no autofire
xyrs246 7,984,330 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
Kuroneko Games Online 7,710,300 PS1 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
Lerebours 7,462,640 Saturn ABDGKPZ' Dailymotion no autofire
toimine 7,153,460 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGKPZ' Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 6,464,580 Saturn ABDGKPZ' Youtube no autofire
ReFKey 6,180,700 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Youtube
ReFKey 6,125,690 PC (Steam) ABDGKPZ' Youtube
kamadoma715 5,810,520 PC (Steam) ABDGKPZ' Youtube incl. audio commentary
Yakumov 5,629,640 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPZ' Youtube
M.Knight 5,315,560 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPZ' Youtube no autofire
Berg 5,256,420 PS1 ABDGKPZ' Youtube
Angry hina 4,939,520 Switch ABDGKPZ' Youtube
ggmaximo 4,819,930 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPZ' Youtube
TPY_prin 4,755, 500 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPZ' Youtube
ReFKey 4,448,360 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube Rezardi 6,695,870 PC (Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade) ABDGKPZ' Youtube

Zone V

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Mokkun 13,101,220 Arcade (PCB) ACEHLQV Nico 1 2 3 4 5 no-miss, no bomb
G.M.C.IMO 13,043,630 Arcade (PCB) ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
unknown_noon 12,572,760 Arcade (Mame) ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Erppo 12,383,740 Arcade (Mame) ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Jaimers 12,197,860 PS4 ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Lerebours 12,095,060 PS4 ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
XUR 12,057,780 Arcade (Mame) ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
MathU 12,044,100 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACEHLQV PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Smraedis 11,915,390 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
chum 11,583,090 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Jaimers 11,538,270 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
MathU 11,472,210 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACEHLQV PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
MBK-YAP 11,396,980 PS4 ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss
Icarus 11,388,320 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 11,146,770 PS4 ABDGKPV Youtube no-miss
Icarus 11,042,500 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Prickly Angler 10,946,640 Saturn ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,840,980 PS4 ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Hueso 10,737,260 PC (Steam) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,701,320 PS4 ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,697,470 PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,636,710 PS4 ABDGKPV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Meriscan 10,625,410 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
M.Knight 10,607,500 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPV Youtube no-miss
Jaylab 10,578,580 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
xyrs246 10,575,560 PS4 ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss
Penny 10,547,290 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 10,546,910 Saturn ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
ggmaximo 10,405,290 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss
Pete Hahn 10,298,430 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Neo Antwon 10,273,130 PS4 ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss
Gojiguy 10,183,790 Switch ACEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Lerebours 10,086,980 Saturn ABDGLQV Dailymotion no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
pja 10,030,840 PC (Steam) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Thiago Panato 9,808,030 PC (Steam) ACEHLQV Youtube
Gojiguy 9,600,050 Switch ACEHLQV Youtube live demo during Shmup Slam 3; starts at 08:58:38; commented by Bofner; no-miss
Klatrymadon 9,338,380 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
としぞー 9,181,210 PS4 ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss
Joe Dalton 9,175,830 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
道重一筋GDS. 8,859,480 PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
Pete Hahn 8,836,980 Arcade (PCB) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Berg 8,735,690 PS1 ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Gojiguy 8,726,120 Switch ACEHLQV Youtube good beginner strategies; incl. audio commentary; no-miss
Bofner 8,548,280 Saturn ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
KUNI 8,290,230 Switch ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss
ReFKey 8,263,440 PS4 ABDGKPV Youtube no-miss
Cathedral Junky 8,171, 300 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no-miss, 20hz autofire
Pearl 8,131,390 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
Pete Hahn 8,111,010 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no autofire
Pepepaco 8,036,120 PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
NuclearPotato 7,944,480 PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
LOLLO 7,785,130 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no-miss
davy K 7,706,550  Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Morsalty 7,625,980 PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube good beginner strategies; incl. audio commentary; no-miss
toimine 7,325,450 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGKPV Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
Yace 6,974,300 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Owolnymous 6,951,190 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
tino tormed 6,879,230 Saturn ABDHLQV Youtube
Angry Hina 6,844,210 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube no autofire
ReFKey 6,643,380 PS4 ABDGKPV Youtube
BRΛINΦΠΦTΣMPLΣ 6,599,320 Arcade (Mame) ABEHLQV Youtube very hard mode, no-miss, no autofire
ZPS 6,593,280 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Con 5 Duros 6,051,090 PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube
Kamui 5,788,100 PS4 ABDGLQV Youtube
Hazel 5,787,700 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Blinge 5,758,370 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Con 5 Duros 5,758,370 PS1 (DuckStation) ABDHLQV Youtube 15hz autofire
ODA 5,494,210 PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube
Zoydo 5,493,800 PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube
dumplechan 5,534,830 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no autofire
Clippa 5,702,240 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Thiago Panato 5,222,320 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Vludi 5,141,720 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no autofire
Bofner 5,141,000 Saturn (US) ABDGLQV Youtube no autofire
kamadoma715 5,758,370 PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube incl. audio commentary
Ishmokin 5,119,520 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube
Berg 4,851,090 PS1 ABDHLQV Youtube
Nixonesque 4,840,520 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube
panpanIIDX 4,798,120 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Con 5 Duros 4,704,590 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube no autofire
Shepardus 4,590,150 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube 15hz autofire
BareKnuckleRoo 4,566,890 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube 8hz autofire
Angry Hina 4,322,230 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube
Juan Man 4,305,530 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLQV Youtube no autofire
Hao Zx 4,126,550 PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube incl. audio commentary (Spanish)

Zone W

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Mokkun 12,942,290 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMRW Nico 1 2 3 4 no-miss
G.M.C.IMO 12,723,330 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMRW Youtube no-miss
MathU 9,855,050 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGLRW PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Thiago Panato 9,842,000 PC (Steam) ACFIMRW Youtube no-miss, no bomb
bennetng 9,173,110 Arcade (Mame) ABEIMRW Youtube
Kamui 8,781,800 PS4 ABDHLQW Youtube training mode with max rank; no-miss, no bomb
Owakusorm 8,507,950 PS4 ABDHLQW Youtube no-miss
MBK-YAP 9,425,310 PS4 ABDGLQW Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 8,254,610 PS4 ABDGLRW Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Thiago Panato 8,198,260 PC (Steam) ACFIMRW Youtube no-miss
としぞー 8,042,270 PS4 ABDHMRW Youtube no-miss
xyrs246 7,778,490 PS4 ABDGLQW Youtube no-miss
ODA 7,315,560 PS4 ABEHLQW Youtube
Berg 7,257,100 PS1 ABDGLRW Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,048,250 Saturn ABEHLRW Youtube no autofire
KUNI 6,926,490 Switch ABDGLQW Youtube
ggmaximo 6,893,930 Arcade (Mame) ACEHLQW Youtube
toimine 6,746,660 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGKQW Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
Lerebours 6,608,360 Saturn ABDHLQW Dailymotion no autofire
Angry hina 5,720,170 Switch ABDGLQW Youtube
kamadoma715 5,037,430 PC (Steam) ABEIMRW Youtube incl. audio commentary
ReFKey 4,202,020 PS4 ABDGKQW Youtube
Berg 3,714,810 PS1 ABDHLQW Youtube

Zone X

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Mokkun 13,143,930 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSX Nico 1 2 3 4 no-miss
G.M.C.IMO 12,928,450 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSX Youtube no-miss
MBK-YAP 10,594,500 PS4 ACEHMSX Youtube no-miss
MathU 9,676,100 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABEHMRX PerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
MBK-YAP 8,815,090 PS4 ABEINSX Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 8,622,060 PS4 ACFJNSX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Kamui 8,563,160 PS4 ABEHMRX Youtube training mode with max rank; no-miss
Lerebours 8,537,000 Saturn ABEIMSX Dailymotion no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 8,508,050 PS4 ABEINSX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
KUNI 8,473,660 Switch ABDGLRX Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 8,375,680 PS4 ABEHLRX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
としぞー 8,247,110 PS4 ABEINSX Youtube no-miss
BuyMeThingsNow 8,148,220 Arcade (Mame) ABEHMSX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 7,808,560 PS4 ACFIMRX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 7,804,190 PS4 ABDGLRX Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Thiago Panato 7,620,990 PC (Steam) ABDHLRX Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,510,390 Saturn ACFIMRX Youtube no autofire
Berg 7,376,820 PS1 ABEHLRX Youtube no-miss
xyrs246 7,300,610 PS4 ABDGLRX Youtube no-miss
ggmaximo 6,906,600 Arcade (Mame) ACEINSX Youtube
Berg 6,785,690 PS1 ABEHMRX Youtube no-miss
toimine 6,592,470 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDGLRX Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
kamadoma715 4,830,830 PC (Steam) ABEIMSX Youtube incl. audio commentary
Kamui 4,878,370 PS4 ABEHMRX Youtube
Angry hina 4,570,000 Switch ABEIMSX Youtube
Chinopolis 4,461,970 Saturn ABDHMSX Youtube
Yakumov 3,597,760 Arcade (Mame) ABEHMSX Youtube
Berg 3,703,020 PS1 ABEINSX Youtube
ReFKey 3,171,480 PS4 ABEHLRX Youtube

Zone Y

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Mokkun 13,520,420 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSY Nico 1 2 3 4 no-miss, no bomb
G.M.C.IMO 13,286,790 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
G.M.C.IMO 13,239,340 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSY Nico 1 2 3 no-miss, no bomb
Rastan78 11,759,280 PS4 ACEHMSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
G.M.C.IMO 11,493,550 Arcade (PCB) ACEHMSY Youtube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 superplay DVD bundled with Arcadia issue May 2010; audio commentary (Japanese); no-miss, no bomb
Lerebours 11,350,950 PS4 ACEHMSY Youtube no-miss
MBK-YAP 10,789,720 PS4 ABEIMSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
MathU 10,440,950 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACFIMSY PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,191,410 PS4 ACFINSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,059,640 PS4 ACFJNTY Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 9,985,920 PS4 ACFINTY Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Bofner 9,927,070 Saturn ABDHMSY Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Thiago Panato 9,870,120 PC (Steam) ACFINSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Prickly Angler 9,780,080 PS4 ACFJOTY Youtube no-miss, no autofire
E Barrett 9,590,090 Arcade (Mame) ABEINSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
Lerebours 9,537,860 Saturn ABEINSY Dailymotion no-miss, no autofire
Berg 9,198,110 PS1 ABEINTY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
emperorIng360 8,988,870 Arcade (Mame) ABEINSY Youtube no-miss
KUNI 8,869,790 Switch ABEINTY Youtube no-miss
Berg 8,816,960 PS1 ACFIMSY Youtube no-miss, no bomb
MBK-YAP 8,728,930 PS4 ABEINSY Youtube no-miss
Kamui 8,689,380 PS4 ABEHMSY Youtube no-miss
としぞー 8,371,880 PS4 ACFJNTY Youtube no-miss
ゆっくリム・ゲームチャンネル 8,241,180 PS4 ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Berg 7,629,760 PS1 ABEINSY Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,572,998 Saturn ACFJNTY Youtube Electric Fan score glitch, no autofire
Lerebours 7,559,170 Saturn ACFJOTY Dailymotion no-miss, no autofire
toimine 7,511,070 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABDHMSY Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
xyrs246 6,940,390 PS4 ABEHMSY Youtube no-miss
Chinopolis 6,890,910 Saturn ABEINSY Youtube
Bofner 6,631,570 Saturn (US) ABDHMSY Youtube live demo during Shmup Slam 3; starts at 04:40:22; commented by player & Frank Pizza; no autofire
ReFKey 5,778,060 PS4 ABEINTY Youtube
ggmaximo 5,366,700 Arcade (Mame) ACEINSY Youtube
kamadoma715 5,145,130 PC (Steam) ABEINSY Youtube incl. audio commentary
Morsalty 5,132,300 PS4 ACFJNTY Youtube
Lerebours 4,717,480 Arcade (PCB) ABEINSY Facebook live demo during Coin-op Legacy’s Taito special event; commented by Yami; 10hz autofire
Yakumov 4,487,570 Arcade (PCB) ABEHMSY Youtube
Angry hina 4,080,750 Switch ABEINSY Youtube
Berg 3,703,020 PS1 ABEINSY Youtube

Zone Z

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Mokkun 12,811,310 Arcade (PCB) ACFJOUZ Nico 1 2 3 4 no-miss
G.M.C.IMO 12,803,630 Arcade (PCB) ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
Rastan78 12,620,920 Switch ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
MathU 12,230,910 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACFJOUZ PeerTube no-miss, no autofire
Giro-X 11,718,750 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
MBK-YAP 10,934,000 PS4 ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 10,434,150 PS4 ACFJNTZ Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,376,830 PS4 ACFINTZ Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,296,340 Saturn ACFINTZ Youtube no-miss, no autofire
MathU 10,208,620 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACFJNTZ PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
Prickly Angler 10,172,140 PS4 ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss, no autofire
Thiago Panato 10,002,050 PC (Steam) ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss, no bomb
ChobBri 9,865,250 PC (Steam) ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
Thiago Panato 9,625,950 PC (Steam) ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss
MBK-YAP 9,362,500 PS4 ABEINTZ YouTube no-miss
ggmaximo 9,251,860 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
としぞー 8,994,070 PS4 ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
xyrs246 8,404,980 PS4 ACFINTZ Youtube no-miss
KUNI 8,264,910 Switch ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss
Lerebours 8,104,410 Saturn ACFJNTZ Dailymotion no-miss, no autofire
Dinir Nertan 7,873,470 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOTZ Youtube
Berg 7,142,830 PS1 ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss
toimine 7,127,260 PC (Taito Legends 2) ABEINTZ Youtube correct score (+1M) taking into account the non-default extend settings; no-miss, no autofire
Angry hina 6,792,650 Switch ACFJOUZ Youtube
Yakumov 5,204,480 Arcade (Arcade) ACFJOUZ Youtube
kamadoma715 4,715,680 PC (Steam) ABEINTZ Youtube incl. audio commentary
ReFKey 4,055,660 PS4 ABEINTZ Youtube

Zone V'

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
G.M.C.IMO 11,998,660 Arcade (PCB) ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Mokkun 11,970,530 Arcade (PCB) ACFJOUV' Nico 1 2 3 4 no-miss
MBK-YAP 11,273,750 PS4 ACFJOUV’ Youtube no miss
Giro-X 10,342,760 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Thiago Paneto 10,317,470 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss, no-bomb
MathU 10,291,160 PC (Taito Legends 2) ACFJOUV' PeerTube no-miss, no bomb, no autofire
としぞー 9,931,450 PS4 ACFJOUV’ Youtube no-miss
KUNI 9,487,480 Switch ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 9,064,560 PS4 ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss, no autofire
xyrs246 8,508,010 PS4 ACFJOUV’ Youtube no-miss
Berg 8,395,740 PS1 ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
ゆっくリム・ゲームチャンネル 7,721,220 PS4 ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Yakumov 7,701,730 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUV' Youtube no-miss
Angry hina 7,017,010 Switch ACFJOUV' Youtube
Lerebours 6,943,420 Saturn ACFJOUV' Dailymotion no autofire
Bofner 6,894,660 Saturn ACFJOUV' Youtube no autofire
ReFKey 6,334,060 Arcade ACFJOUV' Youtube
kamadoma715 5,810,520 PC (Steam) ACFJOUV' Youtube incl. audio commentary
Sapzdude 4,531,840 Arcade ACFJOUV' Youtube 1 2
Kamui 4,327,100 PS4 ACFJOUV’ Youtube


Zone Z'
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment`
Prickly Angler 4,447,700 Saturn ABDGKPZ' Youtube
Zone V
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Lerebours 7,514,300 Saturn ABDHLQV Dailymotion no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,330,440 Saturn ABEHLQV Youtube no-miss
fox lab 5,545,990 Saturn ABDHLQV Youtube
Zone W
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler 7,307,610 Saturn ABEHLQW Youtube no-miss
Zone X
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler 7,833,430 Saturn ABEIMSX Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,194,170 Saturn ABDHMRX Youtube no-miss
Zone Y
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler 8,028,170 Saturn ABEIMSY Youtube no-miss
Lerebours 7,917,790 Saturn ABEIMSY Dailymotion no-miss
Zone Z
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler 7,491,830 Saturn ACFJOUZ Youtube no-miss
Prickly Angler 7,392,550 Saturn ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss
Zone V'
Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler 7,564,640 Saturn ABEINTZ Youtube no-miss


Zone Z'

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
NeetSuhiro 19:13 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube
shell the aniki 19:21 Switch ABDGKPZ' Youtube
Gluon 19:39 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Youtube

Zone V

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 15:26 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube
Bofner 16:36 Switch ABDHLQV Youtube
KeynNaka 16:39 Switch ACEHLQV Twitch
Gluon 19:03 Arcade (Mame) ABDGKPV Youtube

Zone W

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 14:52 Switch ABDHMRW Youtube
Bofner 17:16 Saturn ABDHLQW Youtube

Zone X

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 14:50 Switch ABDHMSX Youtube
Gluon 19:53 Arcade (Mame) ABDGLRX Youtube

Zone Y

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 14:51 Switch ABDHMSY Youtube
Bofner 15:56 Switch ACFJNSY Youtube incl. audio commentary
Gluon 17:30 Arcade (PCB) ABDHMSY Youtube

Zone Z

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 15:59 Switch ACFJOUZ Youtube
Bofner 16:31 Switch ACFJOUZ Youtube incl. audio commentary
Gluon 21:13 Arcade (PCB) ABDGKPZ' Youtube

Zone V'

Player Time Platform Route Video Comment
shell the aniki 15 : 16 Switch ACFJOUV' Youtube
Bofner 15 : 26 Switch ACFJOUV' Youtube
KeynNaka 15 : 55 Switch ACFJOUV' Twitch


Zone Z'

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Bill Rob & StaticSphere 10,296,620 (5,162,430 + 5,133,830) PC (Steam) ABDGKPZ' Youtube no-miss
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 5,859,730 (2,602,530 + 3,257,200) PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube no autofire

Zone V

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 7,603,810 (5,243,650 + 2,360,160) PS4 ABDHLQV Youtube no autofire
MathU & deadbabies 7,273,050 (4,830,110 + 2,442,940) Arcade ABDHLQV PeerTube no autofire
Omkol & Grisha92 6,494,080 (4,031,350 + 2,462,730) Switch ABDHLQV Youtube
Con 5 Duros & Hao ZX 614,340 (614,340 + 0) PC (Steam) ABDHLQV Youtube 4CC

Zone W

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 4,229,860 (1,875,710 + 2,354,150) PS4 ABDGKQW Youtube no autofire

Zone X

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 4,087,830 (1,487,710 + 2,600,050) PS4 ABDGLRX Youtube no autofire

Zone Y

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 4,087,830 (1,487,710 + 2,600,050) PS4 ABEINSY Youtube no autofire
Bofner & Frank Pizza 646,800 (472 580 + 174, 220) Saturn ACEHMSY YouTube 6CC, no autofire

Zone Z

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 5,411,710 (1,726,990+ 3,684,720) PS4 ACFJNTZ Youtube no autofire

Zone V'

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
M.Knight & Prickly Angler 4,940,080 (2,269,210+ 2,670,870) PS4 ACFJOUV' Youtube no autofire
Bofner & Frank Pizza 564,700 (104,000 + 460,700) Saturn ACFJOUV' YouTube 5CC, no autofire

Darius Gaiden Extra Version

1p side

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Giro-X 15,178,440 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQW Youtube
Mokkun 14,859,530 Arcade (PCB) ABDHMRX Nico 1 2
Smraedis 13,457,050 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
slash 13,106,250 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLRX Youtube
MOTO 12,880,550 Arcade (Mame) ACFJOUV' Youtube
Klatrymadon 11,184,110 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQW Youtube
ggmaximo 10,417,600 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLQV Youtube
Klatrymadon 10,214,870 Arcade (Mame) ABEINTZ Youtube
Vludi 9,769,650 Arcade (Mame) ABDHLRX Youtube

2p side (all zones)

Player Score Platform Video Comment
Mokkun 43,000,170 Arcade (PCB) Nico 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Yamada Tarô 42,705,260 Arcade (PCB) Nico 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mokkun 41,553,620 Arcade (PCB) Nico 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Yamada Tarô 38,576,440 Arcade (PCB) Youtube live demo at Wasshoi 2015
Erppo 32,403,610 Arcade (Mame) Youtube
A.K妙高 31,278,180 Arcade (Mame) Youtube
旅タコSTZ 29,066,140 Arcade (PCB) Youtube no miss
旅タコSTZ 24,093,550 Arcade (PCB) Youtube early max shot upgrade
weakboson SDF 19,602,880 Arcade (PCB) Youtube

Guides & Commentaries

Player Score Platform Route Video Comment
Prickly Angler & Rastan78 7,808,560 & 7,307,610 & 12,620,920 PS4 & Saturn & Switch ACFIMRX & ABEHLQW & ACFJOUZ Youtube Shooting Game Weekly #193, commented by Prickly Angler, Rastan78, Aquas & ggmaximo
Lerebours 9,946,270 Saturn ABDGLQV Youtube 1 Sissy n° 150, commented by Lerebours & Trizeal (French)
Lerebours 8,537,000 Saturn ABEIMSX Youtube TBYVGS n°60, commented by Lerebours & BOS (French)
Prickly Angler 8,478,780 PS4 ABDGKPZ' Youtube LSPIRL n°4 commented by Prickly Angler, M.Knight, Yami, Lyv (French)
Lerebours 7,559,170 Saturn ACFJOTY Youtube Superplay Ultimate n°83, commented by Lerebours & A-M (French)
Lerebours 7,514,300 Saturn ABDHLQV Youtube Superplay Ultimate n°155 (Abnormal difficulty), commented by Lerebours & Genshi-Tony (French)